May 20, 2010

Blood Lily

These are growing in my garden, so unusual just had to show you. 

When finished flowering 2 leaves come out 
and get to be about a metre long hanging down each side. 

Would love to know proper name does anyone know....

Eucalyptus and Rust Dyeing

Today I used silk paj and wrapped rusty pieces of metal up in and secured.
Put it into a pot of eucalyptus cinerea (silver dollar) leaves and boiled for about an hour. 

Let dry and unwrapped to find a beautiful piece of coloured silk

May 14, 2010

Nuno Felting

Found this polyester fabric in Wellington N.Z. last October. 

Its stretchy and quite open so thought it would be interesting to felt. 

Decided after doing sample to put different coloured wools onto it. 
Turned the fabric into different coloured sections which look great to me.

May 13, 2010

Rust Dyeing


Have been doing some rust dyeing...
 using the white vinegar method on different fabrics.... 
Such as silk velvet,silk chiffon,silk gauze and paj. 
I intend to felt these onto wool to make felt jackets.


May 8, 2010

Life Member 7/05/2010

Val Gilmur was given life membership to Bunbury Felters on Friday 7th. After 30 years of felting we all agreed it was time she had recogntion for her hard work and dedication to felting.Val no longer makes felt but every month brings us yummy morning tea,which we all love.
Congratulations Val

May 5, 2010